By Admin | 10 Oct 2020
Social Media Marketing Approach to Attract New Customers to Salon or Hair Dresser
You may be knowing that people are willingly changing their hair style or you can say they are never afraid of trying trended haircuts but do you know people get nervous when it comes to change their salon or hair dresser.
Even when salons relocate their place, many customers travel a long way to reach there, or you may have observed that your some of your customers will cut their hair from one of your same employee every time.
What I mean of sharing these facts with you is that, its little bit tricky to get new customers for your salon. Do you know business grows only when new customers keep coming along with fulfilling your existing one.
Don’t worry I will help you out to get new & new customer by exploring best social marketing approach to attract new customers to salon or hair dresser.
You may have recently seen the power of social media. Hence, using this power you can get your customers. Use the following social marketing approach to attract new customers to salon or hair dresser.
Hope you find it useful. Let me know what works for you, on our social media. If you need any help don’t hesitate to reach out.
Do follow us on Facebook & Instagram.
Connect with the writer of this blog on LinkedIn.
Even when salons relocate their place, many customers travel a long way to reach there, or you may have observed that your some of your customers will cut their hair from one of your same employee every time.
What I mean of sharing these facts with you is that, its little bit tricky to get new customers for your salon. Do you know business grows only when new customers keep coming along with fulfilling your existing one.
Don’t worry I will help you out to get new & new customer by exploring best social marketing approach to attract new customers to salon or hair dresser.
You may have recently seen the power of social media. Hence, using this power you can get your customers. Use the following social marketing approach to attract new customers to salon or hair dresser.
- Facebook and Instagram are strengthening spot for you Facebook and Instagram are the best platforms to leverage your salon. Once you dominate these platforms you won’t definitely need any other platform to gain customers.
- Post fascinating & engaging content Just posting irrelevant or boring content doesn’t help you to grow. Post the valuable, informative, funny and interesting content that people will excitedly engage with it.
- Post your customer’s picture and ask them to post or repost your uploaded pictures Upload your customers pictures, this will show your real skill. It will arouse the feeling of “Wow! That’s nice, I should give a try too!”.
- Upload before and after pictures Let me describe how easily this technique will grab the attention. I have a long hair, and we all know how difficult is to style it. So, I decided to cut in a stylish way by preserving the actual length of my hair.
- Utilize the potential power of stories, location and tagging feature Tagging allows the followers of two account to gather on a single content. It might happen when you update story or post your customer’s image, your customer won’t react but when you tagged them, Instagram will notify them and definitely he/she will share it on their story too.
- You don’t need a website!!! If you handle your social media page precisely then you don’t need to develop website for your salon. Your social media page will work as mini website for you.
- Offer exclusive deals occasionally and never leave the trend behind Offer coups, give aways, gifts or discounts etc to generate urgency and excitements at the time of festivals or occasions. You must define special offers for your social media family that should not be valid for outsider. That will enhance your bonding with your followers.
- Go live, share videos Gaining trust is one of the essential pillar in any business. When it comes to building trust, you can’t ignore the power of live stream and videos.
- Marketing through fashion influencers This is the last but too strongest tip that I have for you. Influencers are dominating fashion industries. They have a millions of followers. I assure you that your targeted audience is probably a subset of their followers only.
Your all customers are surely spending time on either of these two platforms. Hence, post! post! post! every possible content on it. Try to keep your brand in people’s mind.
Don’t isolate your brand, be social. Don’t just post to grow your business. Interact with your audience, it is the one of the essential part of social media marketing.
While posting, keep this point in mind that social media is not built for your salon, it is for the regular user. Thus, post the content that your customer finds good enough to engage with.
You can post small tutorials on Facebook watch video or on IG TV, hair care tips, hair growth tips, hair styles and many more that you will find in the rest of the blog.
Post customers image at maximum extent. Because the extent your skills people watch the more, they get attracted towards your salon.
After uploading image, don’t forget to ask your customers to repost it. This will create brand awareness among your customer’s followers.
When you tried a new style on one of your employees, share it too with your audience, ask them to review your new trail and listen to them. It will give rise to engagement and builds a loyal follower.
I visited best 3 to 4 salons under my locality but they all said the same thing that your length will be half of now after styling otherwise you won’t get any difference. Then I had to drop my idea of styling my hair.
Suppose, if I spotted any post or ad of salon or hair dresser showing before and after image of long-haired girl on any social media at that moment then definitely without any second thought I would rush to that salon.
Hence, before-after is a great way to grab user’s attention.
Add location to every post and stories. It let your followers to know where you are located. It also helps you to give more exposure which eventually give you more engagement.
The vey moment a customer land on your salon page, he/she must easily find information that usually available on websites such as location, services, contact etc. Make sure your profile or bio is up to date.
Include Call To Action, ensures them that they can get in touch with you through DM or Messenger. You can take booking or answers their query through this method. And I feel this the easiest way for you and your customer to connect as compared to website.
You may have notice that business uses highlights or albums like client’s dairy, review, happy clients etc. which is great replacement of testimonial that have on websites.
If it’s a wedding season you can offer a free hair dressing or styling to bridal’s sister or mother and also, you can put condition like both must be a follower of your salon page.
Use trended hash tag with your offers. For instance, on Diwali you are offering home services for free, then use #diwalioffers #happydiwali etc to get more exploration.
You can run paid ads when you are really offering something valuable. This leads to get more followers. Because people will follow you only when you are giving something valuable in return.
Post video tutorials, behind the scene, or how you train your employees, live hair styling session etc. Live question and answers will also a great way to build trust as it allows direct interaction with audience.
On live stream or videos, you can talk about how to take care of hair, or what not do with hair or how to protect hair from pollution, beneficial home remedy and so many more. Just don’t be too selfish or don’t always do marketing for your salon.
Ask them to share your offers on social media. Invite them to your salon if possible and go live with them. For this, you have to pay them. But surely this will beneficial for your salon.
Hope you find it useful. Let me know what works for you, on our social media. If you need any help don’t hesitate to reach out.
Do follow us on Facebook & Instagram.
Connect with the writer of this blog on LinkedIn.