By Admin | 22 Sep 2021
10 Popular Digital Marketing Myths Debunked!
You must know that, its human tendency when everyone starts doing the same thing, everybody gets their different experience or thinking about it.
In the same manner, digital marketing has become the buzz word in the digital world. Everybody is learning and experiencing it for their own business or to grow others business.
As digital marketing is a strategy not a path hence everyone gets their different outcomes after applying it. So, here the myths or falsely statements are about to get flourish.
There are so many myths around digital marketing industries. Following are top 10 popular digital marketing myths debunked.
In the same manner, digital marketing has become the buzz word in the digital world. Everybody is learning and experiencing it for their own business or to grow others business.
As digital marketing is a strategy not a path hence everyone gets their different outcomes after applying it. So, here the myths or falsely statements are about to get flourish.
There are so many myths around digital marketing industries. Following are top 10 popular digital marketing myths debunked.
10 Popular Digital Marketing Myths Debunked!

Digital Marketing Myth #1:
Digital marketing is all about playing with tools and algorithm:Most people think digital marketing is all about playing around the tools and algorithms.
Learning tools and understanding the algorithm is important in digital marketing but it is not about tools or algorithm, it is for the people and tools and algorithms are just the way to connect with them.
It is more about convincing power, copywriting, content writing, storytelling. Because tools changes now and then, tool that works awesome today might not be useful tomorrow.
Digital Marketing Myth #2:
All you need to grow your business is digital marketing:You may be one of them who believes all you need is digital marketing to grow your business.
Digital marketing is one of the (not only) and most important ways to grow your business.
The reality is you need to mix all types of marketing such as traditional, affiliate, etc. while building a marketing strategy. If digital marketing would be everything you won’t ever see any hoardings of brands.
Digital Marketing Myth #3:
Just focus on only one platform:Don’t try to have it all. Just focus on only one social media platform.
Sounds familiar? You might hear this from coaches and gurus too.
But it is not correct you don’t know where your audience is spending time so it is important to be omnipresent i.e. use all possible social media platforms.
When it comes to use only one platform people suggest to Instagram. If you are small B2C business and dealing with products Instagram might be enough.
Suppose you are in real estate then Instagram won’t be the best platform for you as crowd over here is mostly teens which are not gonna buy any, soon. So, you have to use Facebook too.
Digital Marketing Myth #4:
Quality over quantity:You don’t have to pressurize yourself to put content on daily basis, remember quality over quantity. This is the most annoying statement, may be used by procrastinators. Give me the name of any entrepreneur or creator who gives real values and doesn’t post on daily basis.
You have to show up yourself to your audience on daily basis. This is the only way to make them feel that you are always there for them. And posting daily is always recommended when talking about algorithms of social media.
Digital Marketing Myth #5:
Negative reviews are bad for business:One bad review can harm your entire business. Ignore the bad reviews or don’t entertain them. There will be the one person that will never going to be happy with your product or service, so ignore it.
Ignoring negative reviews is the biggest mistake. Take it as your responsibility and assure them you care for them and will resolve the problem. Ignoring them shows that you are irresponsible.
It is the time to adapt your flaws and improvise your product or services. If you find out that the prospect is giving bad review on purpose tackle it in a kind way, not savage in a manner.

Digital Marketing Myth #6:
You need website to start digital marketing for your business:Website is the basic building block for your business to grow online.
Website will become a business expense if it has no traffic. It will be like an empty building where no one lives. Website is necessary for business like where you need to write blogs to educate your client about your services.
Or when you are in ecommerce business. Business such as salon, parlors, coaches don’t need website at initial stage as they can use YouTube and social media accounts as their website (to post content).
Digital Marketing Myth #7:
Digital marketing is cheap:Facebook marketing is so cheap. You can have domain and hosting free forever.
You can debunk this myth by yourself after running your first paid ad. “Cheap” this is the money limit every person have on its own. As everybody has its own marketing budget so we can’t say it cheap instead say it budget friendly.
Digital Marketing Myth #8:
Posting on social media business account is digital marketing:I am doing digital marketing for my business by myself. I don’t need marketer. I post my product daily on social media.
Many people think posting on social media is called digital marketing. Social media marketing is the one channel of digital marketing and posting your product image cannot be considered as social media marketing either.
Social media marketing needs a proper strategy including post, stories, engaging with other creators, going live etc.
Digital Marketing Myth #9:
My business does not need to go online:I don’t think my business need online marketing. My competitor is not online so why would I?. I am doing great offline.
These are the thoughts of traditional business owner. They always think marketing as an expense to their business. But every business now a days needs to go online to grow.
I emphasize the word “grow”. There is the difference between running your business and growing.
If any business owner wants to grow business, he/she must have to take business online. If not he/she will end up running their business with their existing client only.
Digital Marketing Myth #10:
Digital marketing is for techy people:I came from computer background; I will be good at digital marketing. I can’t get into digital marketing because I am not techy person..
SEO is one of the pillars which require to understand search engine algorithm but we can’t say it as techy part, it can be tricky.
It is all about connecting people and educating them about your business product or services. There is no need to be techy only basic designing and algorithm knowledge is enough if you are easy learner.
At the End:
I would say there are sometimes where we experience those myths are becoming reality like you might think you are not good with computers that’s why are not doing great in digital marketing.But this is not true, there is a logic behind every experience think about it and improvise.